Старт продаж корпусов 19, 21, 22 и 23 в ЖК Саларьево Парк

Компания ПИК вскоре может открыть продажи в нашем жилом комплексе «Саларьево Парк» по договорам долевого участия (ДДУ) еще в четырех корпусах. Данная информация размещена на официальном сайте градостроительной политики и строительства Москвы.

По сообщению председателя Москомстройинвеста Константина Тимофеева, ООО «Тирон» (ПАО «Группа Компаний ПИК») выдано заключение о соответствии (ЗОС) застройщика и проектной декларации требованиям закона об участии в долевом строительстве (214-ФЗ).

«Таким образом, компания сможет начать реализацию по ДДУ корпуса 19 пятой очереди и корпусов 21, 22, 23 четвертой очереди строительства.

Сейчас завершается возведение корпусов 1-5; 7 (стр. 1, 2); 8; 9; 13 (стр. 1, 2, 3). Ведется монтаж корпусов 14 (стр. 1, 2); 15; 16. Начинается строительство корп. 18 (стр. 1, 2).

Всего здесь планируется возвести 54 жилых дома, 12 детских садов и шесть школ. Число жителей здесь может достигнуть 50 тыс. человек».

В Москомстройинвесте напомнили, что с 1 января 2017 года застройщик перед открытием продаж обязан получить ЗОС. Росреестр не имеет права регистрировать первый договор долевого участия без этого документа.

Сейчас в столице действует более 119 тыс. ДДУ на сумму около 1,1 трлн рублей. Ранее мэр Сергей Собянин отмечал, что строительство жилья в столице во многом основано на ипотеке и средствах дольщиков, и большинство из них получают в срок качественное жилье.

«Я прошу всех инвесторов внимательно следить за сроками выполнения своих обязательств», – подчеркнул С. Собянин.

По материалам: Комплекс градостроительной политики и строительства города Москвы.

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Старт продаж корпусов 19, 21, 22 и 23 в ЖК Саларьево Парк: 3 комментария

  • Аватар
    13.11.2024 в 01:44

    Securing the services of a lawyer for disabled individuals for claims related to disabilities in Albuquerque region carries enormous importance. Those who seek the help of a attorney for disabilities in court proceedings related to disabilities can reap innumerable positive aspects and invaluable support throughout the procedure for disability claims. These attorneys retain the required competencies, knowledge, and expertise to effectively navigate the intricacies of the legal system and advocate for their clients’ optimal benefits.

    One of the main roles of a disability attorney in court proceedings related to disabilities requires adeptly leading and managing the legal proceedings. Lawyers for disabled individuals stand out at navigating the intricacies of court proceedings on disabilities, which can be overwhelming for those not familiar with the judicial system. By utilizing the assistance of a attorney specializing in disabilities, individuals with disabilities greatly boost their probability of success in disability claims court.

    Throughout court proceedings for disability claims, a disability attorney plays a central and dynamic role in supplying essential aid. They dynamically collaborate with clients in preparing and filing applications for disability claims, petitions, and requests, streamlining the procedure and guaranteeing all required documentation is precisely presented. Additionally, attorneys specializing in disabilities offer vital help during court proceedings related to disabilities, leveraging their expert understanding of disability laws and rules to provide direction, recommendations, and strategic representation.

    The advantages of engaging a lawyer for disabled individuals for claims related to disabilities are diverse. These lawyers offer expert guidance and recommendations, equipping their clients with a competitive edge in trials regarding disabilities. Through their comprehensive grasp of the judicial scenario, lawyers for disabled individuals can effectively sail through the complicated structure of rules and statutes governing disability claims, making sure that their clients’ privileges are secured and their optimal interests are spoken for.

    Moreover, attorneys specializing in disabilities facilitate the disability claims process, easing the burden on individuals with disabilities. They serve as advocates, coordinating with government agencies, insurance companies, and other pertinent entities on behalf of their clients. This comprehensive aid permits individuals with disabilities to focus on their well-being and individual concerns, knowing that their disability claims are being handled with utmost care and attention to detail.

    In the setting of claims concerning disabilities in the city of Albuquerque, it is vital to recognize the distinctive expertise presented by lawyers focused on social security. These legal professionals concentrate on social security legislation and rules, making them invaluable resources for individuals pursuing social security disability benefits. Social security lawyers retain extensive understanding of the detailed rules and processes governing social security disability claims, enabling them to offer personalized guidance and counsel to their clients.

    By engaging a attorney specializing in disabilities, individuals with disabilities gain access to a abundance of benefits and support. These lawyers serve as devoted advocates, tirelessly striving for their clients’ entitlements and benefits. Attorneys specializing in disabilities understand the difficulties faced by individuals with disabilities and work diligently to guarantee they obtain the benefits for disabilities they are entitled to.

    In conclusion, the choice to acquire a lawyer for disabled individuals is a vital one for individuals with disabilities looking for disability compensation in Albuquerque. These attorneys play a essential part in simplifying the legal proceedings, increasing the chances of success in court proceedings related to disabilities, and providing expert guidance and suggestions tailored to their clients’ specific conditions.

    https://www.disabilityalbuquerque.com – Proficiency of Sokolove in handling disability cases

  • Аватар
    12.07.2018 в 19:26

    Начнут продавать в сентябре, сейчас не так много покупателей в офисе продаж. Все приедут с отпусков и тогда начнут разбирать, как горячие пирожки

  • Аватар
    29.06.2018 в 01:21

    Когда примерно поступят новые корпуса в продажу?


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